Sewer Pipe Replacement
in Torrance, CA
Project Details
Sewer Line Replacement
Scope of work to excavate new sewer trench from backyard outside.
Bathroom to 4×6 sewer transition at property line.
Home sewer pipeline was rerouted through new trench to replace original cast iron with new ABS plastic and approved fittings.
Cost of replacement included, excavation, parts, labor, city permits and inspections.
New drain was given 5 year warranty. Contract price included original repair cost.
Time taken to complete was 6 days including inspection.
Included is the kitchen, laundry 2″ drain which was re-routed and connected to the main line in the backyard. Warranty given was 25yr.
Check Out The Project Pictures Below
Team Rooter Service Request
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For emergency or immediate service requests please call (800)818-2397 24hours a day, 7 days a week.